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A close-up image of a beach with seashells which is the cover Amulet The Pagan Choir's Album

Beltane Song Lyrics

Apr 18, 2019

Beltane Song
© Copyright 1997 Alexian, Bhriannon, & Earth Tones Studios

beltane morning, break of dawn,
lovers stir and stifle yawn.
may eve’s frolic ’round bel-fire,
quicken life with strong desire.
gather now, erect the pole,
take ribbon’s ends to weave the whole.

over under round and round,
shaft of cedar piercing ground.

woven patterns, ribbon, lace,
colored wishes, beauty, grace.
red for passion, wild and bold,
prosperity in green and gold!
peaceful blue, tranquility,
let all be done in harmony!
let orange attract, protect with white.
dance we all in dawn’s first light!

barefoot rhythms, balance keep,
dances round the circle sweep.
silver goddess, golden god,
wrap around the upright rod!
phallic staff draw sun to earth,
bring our magick now to birth!


Alternative SPOKEN CHANT for when you are actually dancing the maypole:
“over under round and round,
shaft of cedar piercing ground!
phallic staff draw sun to earth,
bring our magick now to birth!” 



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Blessed Be!


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