$4.00 USD

Every month

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Rooted Kitten Membership


What You'll Get:

  • Exclusive membership in my private "Coven of Cool Kats Community"
  • Interact with others, share ideas, and make new friends, without an algorithm deciding what you see and don't see
  • Access to Alexian's weekly "Bonfire Bardic Circles".  Think of it as a Pagan Open Mic!  Bring your drums, voices, stories, poetry, and even dance!
  • Access to Alexian's exclusive "Willendorf Club" 
      *Share healthy recipes
      *Spontaneous Group "Willendorf Walks", on live video together.
  • Daily Tarot "Card of the Day" video by Alexian.
  • Earn Community Points by interacting with others, making posts, participating in weekly challenges, and live video meetups.  Points can then be traded in for coupons to purchase my online courses in Music Education and Witchy subjects.
  • MP3 Music Download as a Welcome, delivered via email
  • Access to The Pagan Market - Advertise your own wares & services!
  • Access to The Coven Book of Shadows!  An ever growing collection of spells and recipes from community members, including Alexian.
  • Weekly Inspirational Email Videos for 1 year, delivered via email
  • Early Ticket Access to Online & In-Person Concerts
  • Early Access to New NFT Songs - Collect & Even Resell!  
  • Advance Notice of Live Streaming
  • My Heartfelt Eternal Gratitude

NOTE:  If you already have a membership and wish to Upgrade or Downgrade, purchasing a new membership level will AUTOMATICALLY cancel your current membership.  You can find all tier membership levels available at http://www.AlexianMusic.com/store